Fire Trail

After a bit, you know you have to leave the little cottage. Paili opens the door and accompanies you out, while the cats stick behind near the fireplace. Paili walks with you, showing you back to the path. As you walk, she tells you a bit about the area.

"As you probably know by now, the mist comes from the vortex you may have passed on your way. From what's been seen, the whirlwind spins faster on some days than it does on others, and when it's faster, there's more mist... lately, it's been particularly dense." She frowns. "In clears up, the farther you get from the vortex, and you'll be out of it soon enough." She smiles reassuringly. "Where I originally come from, there were forest where the mist was just like it is now."

"Where are you originally from?" you ask her. She has a strange, unidentifiable accent, and the way she had originally greeted you had been unfamiliar.

"Mystia," she replies. "You may have seen the portal leading to my homeland back at Fire Trail manor... and, in fact, there are ambassadors staying at the manor as well." She smiles wistfully. "Though I'm content here, I do miss Mystia... it was a lovely place to live."

Before she can continue, a dash of purple catches your gaze.

"Shh," Paili says, walking slower. "I didn't think Narquelie would be out today... she's a Léra'elen."

As Paili whispers this, wings of the creature she calls Narquelie disperse some of the mist, and you can see more clearly.

The creature flutters forwards, inspecting you and Paili while keeping her distance. Her tail moves rythmically in the mist, and watching it drift around her creates a rather surreal atmosphere.

It doesn't last long, however. She soon vanishes back into the mist, much like she'd come, and after walking a bit longer in silence, Paili leaves you to find your way onwards alone.



Name: Narquelie
ID: LE006
Gender: Female
Rank: Unknown as of yet
Other: Dual-hued purple paint, lavender colored wings
From: Sanitarium


©2001-03 Victoria Hanke