Fire Trail

You move on from where Aedan left you. Back in the lonely, misty forest, you are struck by the sharpness of the contrast between walking with a companion and walking alone. You can't help but shiver slightly in the dampness, and you hurry onwards.

The path gradually starts to slope downwards, and you assume that you are descending out of the mountains. You wonder what lays beyond them. Desert? More forest? A vast plain? Or something different than anything you've come across, perhaps?

Lights in the mist cause your step to quicken. As you near the source of the illumination, you see that it is a small building, hexagonal in shape. It is made out of some odd white material, with light-colored wooden accents. You hesitate, but only for a second, and knock on the door.

The heavy wooden door slowly opens, and you can see eyes peering out from the crack. When the owner of the eyes sees that you aren't anything hostile, the door flies open the rest of the way, and you are admitted into a small room with a crackling fire in the fireplace. It's quite welcoming.

"Entavney, stranger," the small, dark-haired girl says. You take this to be a greeting, and respond appropriately. "You have come a long way if you managed to get this far," she replies.

You reply that yes, you have come quite a distance. "Are you alone here?" you then ask the girl.

"As far as human company goes, yes. But not completely alone, for a Dragon-kin shares my company. Care to meet her?"

She lead you back outside and around to a well-lit building in the back that had previously been obscured by mist. Opening the door, you are greeted by the Dragon-kin, who rouses herself from napping.

You are inspected thoroughly by Onora, the Dragon-kin, who seems a bit suspicious of your presence. Before she can get irritated by you interupting her sleep, the girl, who calls herself as Paili, brings you back inside for a cup of tea.

Name: Onora
ID: Orchard Special
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Parents: Wild X Wild
Species: Dragon Kin
From: Simple Pleasures




©2001-03 Victoria Hanke