Fire Trail

You venture on down the path, which gradually slopes upwards. You can faintly hear the sound of water up ahead, and you squint, trying to see if it's within view. Soon enough, it is- you suddenly find yourself in front of a waterfall, maybe around 15 feet tall. The path winds downwards, but where you currently stand is level with the top of the waterfall. Splashing in the shallow pool below are two Deriss.

They both look up. :Greetings, traveler,:: one says. ::Join us, won't you? The water's lovely.::

You start down, and wade into the pool. The water is rather nice.

::I am Agnoma, and this is Eirlys:: You look from one to the other, not really sure which one is doing the talking.

Agnoma laughs in your mind, and the blue-tinged derissa tosses her mane and splashes you. You take that to mean that she's Agnoma.

::Stay as long as you like.::

You stay for a bit, splashing around and cooling off with the deriss. Finally, you decide to move on.

You continue onwards...



Agnoma and Eirlys
The Nameless Forest


©2001-02 Victoria Hanke