Fire Trail

Walking along, you watch the forest around you for signs of some other creature. It seems like you've walked for quite a while, when you notice that the forest is once again becoming a lot darker. Light continues to diminish until you swear that it must have suddenly become night. The canopy over head is extremely thick, letting in only enought dimness for you to see the path by. You wonder who would want to live in such darkness, when you see lights up ahead. The appear to be moving.

Soon enough, you come to the sources. You are in a rather odd clearing, with intertwined branches above you letting in only dimness... except for a rather large hole off to one side. There are four equines. The two closest to you are unicorn stallions. There is another pegasus farther away, and a pegasus mare a bit closer. They seem to be creating the moving lights, as they all glow.

There is a glowing piece of parchment hovering off to your right, and you walk over to it as the equines all watch you.

Rearing Unicorn
Hatched 08/24/99

Gilded Rain
Blue Unicorn
Hatched 11/24/99

White Unicorn
Hatched 09/24/99

Hatched 09/24/99

You see the path...

Move on




©2001 Victoria Hanke