Fire Trail

You step into a little room off of Saturn's main chamber. It seems to be a place where Saturn keeps a few of her important trinkets. Watching over them is a small, winged kitty. She watches you as you look around.

You assume that the cat's name is Evalie, as she sits upon a small pillow with that name embroidered onto it.

On the small table within the room, there are a few things.

Firstly, there is a dagger that seems more like a short sword, as far as length goes.

Secondly, there are a few random items, many of which appear to be strapped to a belt of sorts.

(Faire Necessities... ;D)

There is also a piece of paper floating near the items. You read it...

These are some of the items you can often see Saturn with at the NY Renaissance Faire, where she likes to spend the majority of her life (when not in front of the computer and wandering around the Fire Trail manor ;D ).
Want specifics on Saturn's stuff? The dagger has a 12 inch blade, and the dragon on the hilt has a 7 inch wingspan. The orb in the claw at the top is snowflake obsidian. It was purchased from Lundegaard Armoury in the summer of 2002.
Everything else was acquired at the NY Ren Faire, at various places...

Before you leave, you notice another winged creature watching you from a corner, while flinging a flower about.


Evalie and Ennae from
The Nameless Forest


©2001 Victoria Hanke