Fire Trail

You cross the little stream and continue down the path. You've walked quite a distance, and wonder if there will be anywhere to stop. You are also quite curious about how long this "tour" is. Finally, after a bend in the path, you find a wall before you. Laughter and voices can be heard on the other side, and a little ways up there is a gap. You walk towards it and go through it, and find yourself in a small garden with a fountain, many different flowers, and some rather impressive creatures.

"Ah, the weary wanderer reaches the first rest point at last," says the green one, with a definitely masculine voice. "I am Spring Peridot Free Spirit," he continues, bowing. "This is Violet Morganite Magic Spark," he says, gesturing to the first of the others, "and this is Clear Moonstone Fairy Dust." The second one nods a greeting.

"We are Jewelwing Fairy Dragonflies," speaks up Magic Spark. She gestures to a portal along one of the walls, as you make use of one of the stone benches in the little garden. "We come from another world, which Saturn visits quite frequently."

The other Jewelwing speaks up. "Some say she's there more often then she's here, though I guess that would be stretching it. But in any case, you are welcome to stay here for as long as you like. And help yourself, if you would like anything to eat." She flicks claw at a fruit tree off to one side.

"Also," says Free Spirit, "if you have any questions, we'd be glad to answer them." He then leans over towards you, and says in a low voice, "and don't mind the long names. You can call me Spirit, and as for the other two, just call 'em Sparky and Dusty-"

He is cut short as a pebble flies through the air and bounces off his forehead.

After you have rested a bit and enjoyed some fruit, the Jewelwings direct you to a gap in the wall opposite the one you came in through.



Jewelwing Fairy Dragonflies


©2001 Victoria Hanke