Fire Trail

You journey out of the clearing and back onto the path. Tiny, colorful insects buzz around the jewel-like flowers on either side of you, and occasionally you hear a musical bird call.

Soon enough, you come to a bush. A small beam of light filters down from the canopy, clearly showing the bush to have round, violet berries. Looking down, you notice a small sign. Upon closer inspection, it imforms you that the berries are edible, and that you should help yourself to as many as you like. You try one, and find it to be very sweet and quite tasty.

Abrubtly, after eating a few more, you feel the presence of someone- or somthing- behind you. Upon turning around, you find yourself face to face with a rather friendly griffon.

She inspects you as you admire her coloration. Finally, she gives a little shake of her head, and takes to the sky.

You notice another sign, directly across the path from the berry bush.

You continue onwards...



The Silver Unicorn


©2001-02 Victoria Hanke